Smart tokens

Physical laundromat currency with a digital touch

Digital and Physical Convenience

LaundryOS Smart Tokens bridge the gap between physical and digital transactions. Whether customers prefer a physical token or a digital version, our solution offers the flexibility to cater to diverse user preferences.

Issuing Smart Tokens is a breeze – whether in physical or digital form. Enable efficient transactions by easily issuing and reusing tokens, creating a seamless experience for both laundromat owners and users.

Reduce costs and breakage

Say goodbye to the costs associated with metal coins. LaundryOS Smart Tokens, especially the digital versions, offer a cost-effective alternative that is also environmentally sustainable. Reduce expenses while contributing to a greener laundromat operation.

Using our smart tokens eliminates the need for sensitive coin readers, reducing maintenance costs and potential downtimes in your laundromat. Furthermore, the smart tokens are guaranteed to work only at your laundromat, removing any incentive for your customers to appropriate the tokens.

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