Remote Service

Access to the Laundry machines for Electrolux Professional Service engineers, without travelling

Save time and costs

With the remote service,  your Electrolux Professonal Service partner can access the machine as if he was in the laundry. He can run diagnostics and download the report, analyse, change programs, monitor a machine and even update the base software. Saving travel costs and valuable (reponse) time. 

Keep the machine software updated and easily preventing ‘old software’ issues. Without involving high costs of travel and time. Reducing the CO2 footprint of service and support.

Install our Controller box and you are all setup for remote service.

Real time Acces

LaundryOS Remote service offers real-time access to the machines, putting valuable control of the laundry at the fingertips of you and your service partner. Whether you’re a laundromat owner  or a user of laundry services, you will benefit in multiple ways. Lower service costs, faster repairs and a better service uptime and usage of the laundry.

Say goodbye to expensive travel time and travel costs and waiting to be serviced and hello to Real time service Access and Support via the LaundryOS control box.

Remote update base Software, Diagnostics and laundry logging

All-in-1 Controller Box

Contact Us

Interested in a demo, a discovery call or a partnership? Leave your contact information and we will contact you soon.